Over two continents, through government-condoned acts of genocide, the enthralling chase to find and capture Osama Bin Laden unfolds in Professor Milcript’s new book based on real-life events. "Target Washington: The Search for Osama Bin Laden" follows a Black-Ops Group within a group called "Delta-Force" a CIA Organizational Group, and a US special operative and his unit hunt down Osama Bin Laden in Tora Bora only to realize that he has escaped with the help of US and political and military maneuvering. In the end A Navy Seals Team brings this saga to a brutal end! This Book is signed by author and is available from this website. Get this book before the Government bans this book forever! Reg. Price $11.95. DISCOUNTED to $8.99. Reduce to sell. Each book autographed by author.